Advertise with is a gaming portal that specializes in games from the survival, sandbox and post-apocalypse genres. With thousands of monthly users and a high profile in these topics, it is one of the top places to go for information, tips and news about these games.

Our writers are independent and always write their honest opinions. We offer companies the opportunity to cooperate with us to introduce their products to our gaming audience.
This includes:

  • Presentation of video games
  • Tests of video games
  • Presentation of products related to gaming
  • Placement of advertising banners that appeal to the gaming audience
  • Participation in affiliate programs for products relevant to the target audience

All content resulting from these partnerships will be properly identified as advertising or partnership. Links placed in these posts will always be tagged with the “No Follow” attribute.

If you are interested in collaborating and/or partnering with us, please contact us to discuss the possibilities.
